Partner-event: Boards as drivers of Corporate Renewal and Sustainability

What are the three key action agendas for boards to ensure they guide sustainable corporate renewal?

Growth and innovation are key topics for many companies and emphasized when sustainability and climate change increasingly move to the top of many company agendas. Investors require reporting on the ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) agenda with concrete actions to follow.

• What then is the board’s role in guiding companies on this path, to ensure that the strategic direction of the company includes sustainability?

• What are the better practices that are emerging?

Norsk Institutt for Styremedlemmer har gått inn som samarbeidspartner i The Boards Impact Forum; den nordiske divisjonen av World Economic Forums’ Climate Governance initiative. Forum inviterer regelmessig til webinarer om bærekraft, innovasjon og styrefaglige tema som Styreinstituttets medlemmer kan melde seg på.

Les mer om webinaret Boards as drivers of Corporate Renewal and Sustainability, og meld deg på her.